Thursday, May 28, 2020
What to Look For in a Professional Resume Writing Service
What to Look For in a Professional Resume Writing ServiceSome people are unsure of what kind of Columbus Ohio resume writing service they need. This article will help you determine the proper resume for your position and get the job you want.First, find out the kind of position you want to fill and decide on a resume that will get you hired. Columbus Ohio resume writing services can write you a one page resume or a two page one if you prefer. The second choice is usually a little more professional and probably easier to process than an uncredited one page job application.You will need to write the resume that is going to help you land the job you want. The biggest mistake most people make is giving away too much information that is not needed. You should know how much detail is required before you begin.Next, decide what type of resume is appropriate for your specific job opening. Most resume writing services offer basic resume writing services but some will specialize in one industr y or another. If you choose to write a more detailed resume for a higher level position, then you may have to take more of a professional risk by giving up a little bit of originality in the 'quality' of your resume.Once you know which industry you are applying for, decide whether or not it's a position that requires a resume in another particular field. For example, if you are applying for a sales position, then you should probably consider hiring a resume writing service that specializes in sales jobs. A hiring manager would not be very forgiving if you wrote a generic sales resume and landed the job anyway.You may need to hire a professional resume writing service for a position where a strong professional resume is the only way to get the job. When companies look at resumes, they usually only care about how impressive they are. So unless you have something really unique that would be a surprise, you probably don't want to write a job application and post it on a job posting.Don' t blame the company for screening your resume before offering you a job. They are simply doing their job and making a good decision based on the information you give them. If you are too detailed or too sloppy, then you should focus on writing a less professional resume and spending more time marketing yourself instead of fighting the system.If you do decide to hire a Columbus Ohio resume writing service, make sure you find one that has experience in the field you are applying for. Ask for examples of their past work and their rate to ensure that you're getting the best professional resume possible.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Interview Why Wasnt I Chosen! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career
The Interview Why Wasnât I Chosen! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career From the interviewerâs vantage point, the selection process is about availability and choices. That principle applies to many things the rest of us do, too, throughout the day. For instance, isnât it interesting that when a group of people dine together in a restaurant, some of them make their menu decisions within a few seconds, yet for others it takes an embarrassingly long timeâ"and theyâre still not perfectly happy with their decisions. The same principle applies to interviewers: I remember being interviewed years ago for 20 minutes and receiving the job offer on the spot; that was unusual at the corporate director level. At the other extreme, I heard of a person who was interviewed for a secretarial position by seven people over two monthsâ timeâ"after the candidate had already worked in that department for three months as a temporary employee. To sum up, it is impossible to predict the outcome of a job interview because we simply donât know what the interviewerâs decision-making process is. How often has a job candidate walked away glowing from an interview, with that feeling of having aced it, and yet the job offer never came. At times candidates speculate about the best time of day to schedule a job interviewâ"if given a choice. Early morningâ"before the pressure of the day builds upâ"might be good, but the interviewer might not be fully awake yet. Maybe just before lunch. But then, maybe after lunch would be better. How âbout near the end of the day? There are no clear-cut answers because each case is individual and unique. A recent National Public Radio program interviewed Wharton and Harvard business school professors who discussed the results of a large, 9,000-subject, 10-year study of interviewing. The investigators concluded that what matters is the candidateâs performance relative to those interviewed earlier. In their analysis, they also talked about a phenomenon called the gamblerâs fallacyâ"a theory that says there is a mistaken notion that assumes that the odds of something with a fixed probability increase or decrease depending on recent occurrences. In other words, if you interview after two or three inferior candidates, your chances are better. This also works in reverse. From my vantage point as an interview coach, I know that the only way to beat the odds is to prepare well and practice mock interviewing. Practice makes perfect.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
A GREAT STEP TOWARDS KEEPING YOUR PHONES DATA SAFE A number of times, you briefly hand over your android phone to a friend and afraid of their investigative eyes having their way into your confidential files. These include personal folders, messages, and many more others that require absolute privacy. For an android phone user held up in such a difficult situation, nothing much can be achieved with its inbuilt protection features. Insufficient Native Protection Features Android phones have outsmarted other smart phones with their extreme user simplicity and extreme sophistication. Unfortunately, they have tremendously failed to provide various options in their own privacy mechanism of protection. The only data security mechanism available on an android phone is passcode locking. Entry of Software Developers The advancement in technology has enabled several software developers to come up with several applications for offering data security on android phones. Leomaster is a perfect example of software developing companies that is internationally accredited for creating useful security applications for android devices. These include Leo Privacy Guard and Privacy Lock. Leo Privacy Guard For everyone who is deeply concerned about the private data on their phones, LEO Privacy Guard from Leomaster is your permanent reprieve. Providing complete password protection, LEO Privacy Guard, greatly focuses on giving maximum security to any type of personal data on your phone. Applications Description This android application is the most established and convenient protector for your phoneâs personal data such as images, messages, applications, among others. It majorly focuses on keeping secrets in your android device from disgusting snoopers and investigative eyes. The entire lists of personal data can be securely hidden in Privacy Guard by your own passcode, pattern or fingerprints. This application also enables locking of messages. With this top of the mark application software, you no longer have to worry about accidental access or gossip fingers. The following are the features of this application. Prominent Features of the Application Simplicity in Installation The application doesnât need to be installed as a device administrator, and nothing changes on your device upon its installation. Other Applications Security, Apps Lock Apps Lock makes it possible to lock your other expensive applications in your device from unauthorized transfers. Other users wonât notice anything different until they actually go ahead and try to launch any of those applications. Besides the Apps Lock, there are funny covers to keep your phone running smoothly as well. It quickly locks other applications once you put your device to sleep. Fun Lock Themes These are the exciting themes that appear on your deviceâs screen after an application has been locked depending on your settings. For example, a zipper may appear on the screen which will ask you to pull it down fast. This can only be done using a specific pattern known to the owner. Device Monitor This application enables you to monitor your data usage and battery condition in real time. Conclusion We have experienced so many cases of private information of individuals being leaked online. A perfect example is that of celebrities. This information is always obtained from their inadequately secured android devices. With LEO Privacy Guard for android, your data will always be secured. Cases of blackmail will be a thing of the past.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
HELP WANTED HOW TO AVOID ROOKIE MISTAKES ON A JOB INTERVIEW Whether you are in college seeking an internship, or further on in your career and looking to advance your position, making basic and careless mistakes on a job interview can cost you that opportunity even if you have the experience, credentials, and intelligence. First impressions count! If you are in doubt, studies have shown that within the first seven seconds of meeting, people will have a solid impression of who you are â" and some research suggests a tenth of a second is all it takes to start determining traits like trustworthiness. Katherine M. Rothman is the CEO of KMR Communications, a public relations firm she founded at the age of 28. The firm specializes in beauty, health and fitness PR. Since the agencyâs inception in 1998, Ms. Rothman has interviewed hundreds of applicants for positions ranging from interns to directors and vice presidents. Here are 14 tips on interviewing straight from the CEO herself: Donât Be Late Ms. Rothman really dislikes the excuse, of, âIâm sorry I am 15 minutes late, I didnât know where to park.â When you confirm the interview time and place, it is the applicantâs responsibility to ask questions about where to park. If it sounds like it might be mildly confusing, do a dry run to the interview location so that you donât drive around aimlessly minutes before the interview. When you show up late to an interview, you seem unreliable, unorganized, and you have to dig yourself out of a black hole by making a really amazing impression. Be on Your Best Behavior the Moment You Enter the Building From the minute your feet enter the building of the interview, assume that anyone you encounter could be a potential interviewer. If you are talking on a cell phone in the lobby, censor your conversation and comments. In the elevator, make polite eye contact with everyone. Treat the receptionist like royalty! If you use the restroom prior to the interview, give a nice hello to anyone you encounter. The person who was just your stall mate could be the head of HR! Research the company Google the company. Visit their website. Know who their clients, are, what they do, who they serve, who their competition is, and find out what sets them apart from their other businesses in their field. It is important to do your research prior to the interview. It will give you greater command of the topics you will be asked about and make you feel more confident which will transmit into a better impression. If you are asked why you want to work at company XYZ, you will be able to answer intelligently and specifically instead of in a cookie cutter manner. Dress to Impress Do your best to do some sleuthing and find out what the culture of the company is. Perhaps read some reviews on Glassdoor, Google, or ask friends. How you dress has a lot to say about your presence in business. If the company is artsy, itâs better if you donât come in looking like a corporate stiff. Conversely, if the atmosphere is corporate, ripped jeans and a tank top wonât get you far. When in doubt, it is better to be overdressed than underdressed. When you are asked back for a second-round interview you can better tailor your attire to the office norm. Donât Let Your Body Language Give You Away- Skilled interviewers are adept are reading non-verbal clues, i.e. body language. Most likely, the handshake will be your only moment of physical contact with the interviewer. Studies say that handshakes play a significant role in first impressions, so make it count. Your shake should be neither bone crushing, nor limp fish. Aim for a firm handshake, and as you shake, make eye contact and smile. Once seated, do not slump, fidget or lean back in your chair which can signal boredom or arrogance. Lean slightly forward to indicate interest. Donât cross your arms as this can make you look defensive or like you are hiding something. Donât Give Cliché Answers to Questions If you are asked what your best qualities are, avoid saying, âI am an organized, self-starter and team player and my biggest weakness is that I am a perfectionist.â These may all be true but find another way to state these attributes. Instead, if asked about a weakness, choose a real weakness and put a positive spin on it. You may say, for example, âI always want to meet my deadlines, but sometimes in doing so, I rush too much. I am trying to slow down and be more meticulous.â Donât talk incessantly and ramble on You are being judged on how articulate you are and how you present yourself in a corporate situation. An interview should not be your own monologue. Answer the questions concisely and wait for the interviewer to ask the next. As you are speaking, try to gauge if you are keeping the interviewer engaged in what you are saying. If their eyes are glazed over and they are tapping their pen, you have spoken enough. Ask not what the company can do for you, ask what you can do for the company To loosely paraphrase JFK on his inauguration speech, make it clear how your skills can help the company you are interviewing with. A first interview should not be about, how many vacation days do I get? Do you have a 401K? Do you have summer hours? What are your benefits? These questions should be saved for second round interviews when the company has indicated that they have a sincere interest in you. Round 1 should be strictly about what you bring to the table. Wipe Your Social Media Clean of Anything That is Embarrassing Or simply dont post that content in the first place. A company need not be the FBI to find pictures/comments that pertain to you on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Be mindful of what you are posting. Anything that looks undignified, shows illegal activity, prejudice, anger management issues or castes you in a poor light can be a mark against you even if you had a stellar interview. Watch your social media, one post is not worth the sacrifice of your dream job! Remove Tongue Piercings, Nose Piercings and Cover Large Tattoos These things may be en trend with your age group, however, if you are interviewing with a conservative company, these might negate you right away. The same would go for pink hair or other extreme styles for men and women. I am not saying having your own sense of style and living outside the box are bad things, it can be quite fabulous. But in reviewing the environment of the company you want to work for, consider if the way you are presenting yourself showcases you as the best candidate to represent the culture of that company. When you are entrusted with the interests of a company you become an ambassador. You need to adapt to that company. Do not walk in smelling like you sampled every fragrance in a department store If you must wear fragrance, keep it light and subtle. Fragrance is a very personal thing. The last thing you want is an interviewer sneezing with watery eyes because you have gone overboard on the perfume or cologne. Bring Ample Resumes If you are meeting with one or even several people, there is nothing that makes you look more unprepared than assuming the interviewer has your resume handy. Make sure that you carry ample resumes in a professional looking portfolio/binder so that the paper is not wrinkled when you hand it over. Donât forget to write a thank you Write a thank you follow-up e-mail to every person with whom you met. Do this even if you do not want the position. Itâs a small world and being polite goes a long way! If you want the position, and it comes down to you and another candidate with identical credentials and you are the one who writes the note, most likely you will be âthe chosen one.â Donât be silent when the interviewer asks at the end if you have remaining questions Too often, applicants say, âno, thanks I think you covered everything.â You may feel you are being polite by saying this, but you actually come across as disengaged and docile. Come up with at least one thought-provoking question that refers to something the interviewer commented on or asked.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
5 New Years Resolutions to Further Your Career
5 New Yearâs Resolutions to Further Your Career â" Photo Credit â" Pexels.comMaking changes in your life to improve yourself and your career can happen at any time; they should also happen at any time you notice yourself going off track. If you are not given to self-reflection, the advent of the new year is a good time to remember to do it.Reflection at yearâs end with self-promises to make changes is a good practice. In that vein, there are a few things you can do to help your career in the next 12 months.1. Establish ExpertiseevalWhether you are wanting to increase your influence or are just starting to assert your knowledge, one of best ways to do this is through a blog. This is not the easiest task on this list, but it will establish your expertise in your chosen field.evalBy writing regularly on relevant topics, not only will you demonstrate your knowledge, but also point of view, passion, and commitment. Even better, you wonât be impressing just your bosses, but also competitors Most of us, at some point in our career, que stion our path, our job, and the meaning of it all. If you are in this place now, set aside some time to think about what you want.Is this dissatisfaction new? If so, what has changed? Has the job changed, are you stagnating, or have you changed?Once you discover the source, you can look for a solution. If you feel a need to help others, you could start volunteering. Perhaps you need to look for a new job that will afford you new intellectual or skill challenges.However, sometimes it is just an overall malaise. You like your job, your bosses, and your co-workers, but it just doesnât seem quite enough. At times like these, you need to take a look at your reasons for working.evalMost likely, you work because you need to. You have to pay the bills, you need money to do other things. Now is the time to focus on these reasons. Write down all the things your job lets you do: it lets you have a nice place to live; it lets you eat; it provides you with vacation funds; it gives you money f or retirement. By focusing on the positives of why you work, it will give you new purpose.If this doesnât help, then you might need to revisit what else could be causing your dissatisfaction.4. EducationSometimes, there is no way around it. If you want to go to the next level in your career, you need more education. You may need to get a bachelorâs, or an MBA, or maybe just a certification. If this is the case, make a resolution this year to get enrolled or at least start the process. With the advent of online learning, there are many options to fit in your classes with your work schedule.Other times, it isnât so clear. Ongoing education isnât mandated, but your co-workers are taking classes. Does that mean you need to as well? The question is really, are your co-workers gaining skills or knowledge that helps them be more effective at work? If not, then you probably donât need to worry about it.However, education is never wasted. Whether you take an art history class to le arn more about French painters or study Spanish using Duolingo, you are exercising your brain.You are being introduced to new ideas, satisfying curiosity, developing a new skill. Even if they are not work-related, they will make you a happier, more thoughtful person, which probably means you will be a better employee.eval5.EnvironmentFinally, we come to your environment. Unfortunately, some of us are not able to do much about this in the workplace. If you work in an office, do what personalizing you can. A plant can help improve air quality and bring a touch of nature, especially during the cold winter months. A family picture can help you remember why you are working.For those who either work at home, or have their own office, take a look around. Consider the lighting, the colorIf your space is full of clutter, it will be hard to stay organized and will limit efficiency. If you work for a company, see about increasing your office storage furniture or find an empty storage space you can use. If you work from home or have a small office, your solution might have to be more drastic: a brutal elimination of all things unnecessary, or possibly a storage unit.Work is a large part of our life. Our career is something we invest years into creating and building. Take time this new year to exam where you are at and what you can do in the new year to move yourself forward.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Returning Veterans Job Search A How-To Guide - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach
Returning Veterans Job Search A How-To Guide Returning U.S. veterans have the skills and experience to compete in todays tight job market. Yes, its a bit crowded. But no, vets should not feel disadvantaged. If youre a vet entering the job market, you just need the job searching basics and resources. And to stand out, youre going to have to be more tech-savvy. Employers are now actively seeking employees with a proven track record in online awareness and digital proficiency. Establish an online presence and a job interview presentation that includes digital references, work samples and experience. Also, search for employment opportunities and network online. Digital Diversification Your online persona should be more than a socially focused one. Its okay to have a Facebook account where you chat with friends, post memes, and discuss politics and religion. But maintain a professional and respectable online persona, no matter what platform, especially when on the job hunt. You should have Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts, all associated with each other and all with the same professional and social demeanor. According to an article in Time Magazine, more than half of all job recruiters are using these three online platforms to find candidates. Employers rely on these sites to narrow the field of prospects for final interviews. A typed resume is also helpful for basic information, but youll need a digital portfolio of your established work. Consider making a video resume, or at least as an accompaniment to your printed resume. Emphasize the strengths that come from military service. Mention any training you have had and the specific skills learned. Highlight any leadership roles and specific software or other technical experience you have gained. Professional Website Consider building your own website, if for no other reason than to post a daily blog on your job search efforts. Employers like to see this. Use it to display your portfolio, video resume and links to the rest of your professional online presence. Post enough information about yourself to answer basic questions a potential employer may have, but be careful not to reveal too much. Identity thieves also use social media and personal online profiles to target people, according to LifeLock. Protect your information and make sure your computer is up-to-date on malware and spyware protection. Also, research your prospective employers website. Thoroughly learn about the company and see what they would look for in potential candidates. Online Resources Websites The good news is that unemployment is down to 7.3 percent for returning veterans, according to the U.S. Department of Labor statistics. And resources offer onsite job search functions with job listings. G.I.Jobs provides informative interviews with company recruiters, discussing what they like and dont like while hiring veterans. offers an available-jobs database and the ability to post your resume online. boasts the largest job board for vets and a list of military-friendly employers. Also, look into The National Veterans Foundation and
Friday, May 8, 2020
A Coach Can Give Your Career A Tune Up
A Coach Can Give Your Career A Tune Up You know when your car needs a tune up. The engine stops running smoothly, theres a few sputters and jerks when you take off, and the cloud of exhaust doesnt look good. If you just keep moving, the problem doesnt go away it gradually gets worse and eventually you arent going anywhere. Your car needs that tune up or there will be permanent damage. Your career can be the same way. You gradually become aware that something isnt right but you arent sure what it is. You keep plugging away at your job and things start to sputter. Eventually you realize that you arent going anywhere. What should you do before theres permanent damage to your future? One logical thing to do is give your career a tune up; looking at the overall picture of your job history and current position, checking your skills to see if they are current, evaluating the things that need to change and figuring out how to change them. You could do this yourself with research and advice from experts. Of course, youd be trying to figure out which experts to heed and what to research, but it can be done. People who have expertise with engines can easily do their own tune ups because they know what to prioritize. Career tune ups can be challenging because most of us dont know which one of the little issues is the most important in the long run. This is where investing in the right coaching services can make the difference between a career that goes nowhere and one that takes off. So, how do you pick the right coach? Its a lot like picking the right mechanic. You look for experience, certifications, and happy customers. You might try them out by having a small job done and see how you fit with their personality because that will matter to you over time. The credentials arent just pieces of paper; they represent completion of strict standards that can be verified. Career coaches work the same way. We offer Coaching Services in three different packages and an a la carte selection that pretty much guarantees you will find help for your career. Just like the professional mechanics, we have listed the credentials so you can verify them and be confident you are getting help from the best. Your career will get the tune up it needs, attention to the places you need help in and the help will be there. Pretty soon your career will be humming smoothly and you will take off!
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